1. What’s the deal with GLP-1 medications?

    Think of GLP-1 meds as your weight loss BFFs! They’re like the VIPs of medications, helping regulate your blood sugar, slowing down that food chow-down in your tummy, and making you feel full longer. It’s like having a personal bodyguard against overeating, and they might even jazz up your overall health by tuning up your blood pressure and liver, and dancing down the diabetes risk!

  2. What funky side effects should I boogie with?

    Expect to possibly tango with some nausea, belly grooves (diarrhea or constipation), and an appetite that's quieter than a mouse at a cat party. Less common moves might include a dizziness waltz, a dehydration shuffle, or a slight jab at the injection site. But hey, decreased appetite means you’re on your way to being a Skinny Minnie!

  3. Side effects cramping your style? Here’s how to smooth it out:

    Got nausea? Munch smaller meals and groove with ginger or peppermint - they’re like the cool kids at the stomach-soothing party. For constipation, boogie down with fiber-rich foods and plenty of H2O. Feeling thirsty? Drink like there’s no tomorrow (but really, aim for those 8 glasses a day). And remember, slow eating and some chill yoga can keep those GI blues at bay.

  4. What’s the skinny on the upcoming weeks?

    You'll start feeling like the main act at the fullness festival – less room for extra eats as your appetite takes a chill pill. You might drop water weight like hot gossip, and soon after, start seeing some real body contour changes. Your Practitioner will play the dosage DJ, starting you low and slow, so your body can join the groove without missing a beat.

  5. How much weight are we talking? Flashy numbers ahead!

    Imagine kicking off up to 15-21% of your body weight to the curb! With a lifestyle remix (think diet and the dance floor, aka exercise), you could be hitting those high notes of weight loss. Just picture it: less of you, but more fabulous, strutting down Health Lane!

  6. Mixing cocktails with GLP-1 meds - Yay or Nay?

    Picture this: your stomach’s throwing a party, and GLP-1 meds are the bouncers. Toss alcohol into the mix, and it’s like sneaking in a party crasher! It can fuzz up your blood sugar tunes and dehydrate you faster than a sun-scorched desert. So, maybe keep the bar low-key, alright?

  7. Paying with insurance - In or out?

    Here at Skinny Minnie, we’re all about the uncomplicated life - like a beach day without the sand in your sandwich! That’s why it’s a straight-up credit, debit, or fsa/hsa cards kinda deal. Keep it breezy, keep it easy!

  8. Got FSA/HSA? Swipe it here!

    Absolutely! Bring on those FSA/HSA cards! It’s like using a magic wand for your health expenses. Swipe and let the wellness begin – all while keeping the tax man at bay.

  9. Looking for deals?

    Let’s talk referral credits!
    Forget coupons - we're turning up the dial on fun with credits for every pal you bring! It’s like throwing a weight loss party and getting thanked with a gift. So, start spreading the Skinny Minnie cheer, and watch the rewards roll in!

  10. First-time at Telehealth? Here’s the pre-party checklist!

    Make sure your tech’s on point, your spot’s quiet and cozy, and you’re ready to shine on camera. It’s your time to sparkle, so let’s make this virtual visit as smooth as a beachside cocktail.

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